Home Engineers

Training for Engineers

Caravan Industry Training offeres a range of industry-specific courses each year, tailored to the requirements of caravan dealerships and workshops.  The aim is not to duplicate what exists elsewhere, but to provide an option of appropriate and affordable training, particularly where courses are unlikely to be offered by other providers due to financial, geographical or occupational factors.

Summary of courses for Engineers:

  • The Candidates’ Study Handbook has been written exclusively to support candidates taking the practical and written assessments. Unlike most of the other training that CITO provide, the City & Guilds in Caravan Service Engineering programme is not face-to-face and, therefore, the study of the material for the assessments is entirely down to the candidate to learn. This study guide is designed to help you focus and prepare for these assessments.



Training Facilities

Please contact us if you would be interested in hosting a course in your area. CITO rely upon the good will of host workshops and parks to run the training. If you would like to offer your facitilites to host the training, CITO will be pleased to organise a course with you to bring the training to your area.