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Bespoke Training

The majority of our training can be delivered on an in house basis, and in many cases can also be tailored to meet the specific needs of that particular business.

SkillsActive Caravan Industry Training can access an extensive portfolio of skills through the specialist knowledge of our staff and consultants. We can deliver our standard training courses at a competitive in-house price, or we are able to write and deliver customised training packages that are designed around the needs of a particular organisation.

National Certificate in Park Management

National Certificate in Park Management remains one of our most popular in-house courses. Although designed primarily as a self study program, we are able to deliver it on a bespoke basis as a two day face to face seminar. Candidates (usually between 12-16) attend a seminar workshop on day one, followed by a revision session the following morning before taking their exam in the afternoon. The facilitation option allows businesses an effective and express way of learning and gaining the National Certificate in Park Management qualification.

Business Focused Training

Another popular bespoke CITO training option is delivering training focused at a businesses development and service. This can include any combination of Sales, Marketing, Customer Service and Business Strategy training.

Training programs are designed to meet the exact requirements of the business and can be specifically focused upon one subject or multiple subjects, which can be delivered as a consultancy basis with management or as a delivered training package to employees. We are even able to train your own key employees to deliver the program through Train the Trainer to your whole organisation.

Other Training

Larger organisations often find it is more time and cost effective to purchase training packages on behalf of the business as a whole. In most cases, even where courses are not generally provided by Caravan Industry Training we are able to recommend and put your business in contact with sector specific consultants who have caravan industry knowledge and appreciate the requirements of your business within the industry.


Training Coordinator

To find out more about a course, please do not hesitate to contact the course coordinator:

OJ Donnelly
Tel: 01252 796085
Email OJ Donnelly