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People 1st

The Sector Skills Council for the Hospitality, Leisure, Travel and Tourism industries

Many parks rely on multiple hospitality skills and the qualifications that support them.  Any park with a club, bar or restaurant draws from the national pool of appropriately skilled chefs, waiters and bar staff, and is likely to share the recruitment difficulties from which these occupations are currently suffering.  This is likely to be one of the key priorities which the new SSC will be called upon to address.

The importance of tourism to the economy leads to targeted government financial support, through Tourist Boards and other sector specific organisations.  The Tourism Skills Networks, where established, have had access to significant sums of money - this has been of benefit to staff on holiday and touring parks, particularly in the South West.  Many of the local Learning and Skills Councils are continuing to make tourism a priority, and the influence of People 1st is key to continuing support for the parks industry.

People 1st are also keen to incorporate the views of the holiday parks sector in their Sector Skills Agreement, and collective invites have been issued through the Trade Associations to make sure that the widest consultation is made.

February 2007
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